+2 Aim+2 Willpower+2 Strength+2 CunningGreen Matrix Shard

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Taris is a fairly large world, and contains 5 datacrons, though only 4 can be solo'ed. The Green Matrix Shard requires 2 people and thus has been given a difficulty level of insane (though it's quite simple for those 2 people to obtain it). All datacrons can all be obtained while levelling on Taris, though because some are really out-of-the-way (the strenth datacron in particular), you may want to attempt them while questing in the respective areas.

Above (click images for larger versions), you can see the “start” locations, and the path you'd take from the nearest taxi-point.

Most of the datacrons have lengthy runs, and further detail/instruction is provided on the individual pages – click on one of the buttons below to get started.

Choose one of the buttons below to jump to a datacron:

+2 Aim+2 Willpower+2 Strength+2 CunningGreen Matrix Shard

Finished obtaining all 5? Congratulations!

At this point, you're probably quite tired of walking… and walking… and walking… and falling… and walking…. all around Taris, so why not take a break? When you're ready for more, head to the main page, and check out the next planet.

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