+2 Presence+2 Endurance+2 CunningYellow Matrix Shard+2 Strength

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Coruscant is the main Republic planet, where both force and non-force users first meet up. It contains 5 datacrons, all of which can be obtained while levelling solo on the planet.

Note that unlike the 2 starting planets, a few of the datacrons here introduce you to the concept of “fancy jumping” – you can think of it like an obstacle-course you must beat to obtain the datacron – missing a jump often means having to start over. Coruscant's datacron “jumping” tends to be easier than on other planets, however, because this is the first time they are enountered in-game, the datacrons that require tricky jumping are ranked with difficulty level of medium in the write-ups. Extra attention has been given in the write-ups to help point out the trouble-spots you may encounter.

You can click on the images above for a larger view, but I'll try and simplify things a little for those who haven't picked up the flight paths and might be wondering how to reach the Yellow Matrix Shard and Strength datacron:

  • The presence datacron starts in the Old Galactic Market (which you can fly directly to).
  • The endurance datacron is in Blacksun Territory (which you can fly directly to).
  • The cunning datacron is in Justicar Territory (which you can fly directly to).
  • The yellow matrix shard is in The Works (you must fly to Justicar Territory and take an elevator to The Works)
  • The strength datacron is in the Jedi Temple (you must go to Justicar Territory, take the elevator to The Works, travel to the other end of The Works, then take the new flight path you find to the Jedi Temple. Once you have done this, you can take flights directly to the Jedi Temple whenever you want.)

If you're still confused, not to worry – detailed maps are provided in the write-ups!

Choose one of the buttons below to jump to a datacron:

+2 Presence+2 Endurance+2 CunningYellow Matrix Shard+2 Strength

If you've finished all 5 datacrons on Coruscant, give yourself a pat on the back – you've now learned to hunt, have some decent jumping skills, and have likely displayed a good deal of perseverence!

Take a break, and when you're ready to grab some more datacrons, head to the main page and check out the guide for the next planet!

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